Back to School in Covid Times

How can we support our children? Summer’s almost over and the new school year is upon us. Whilst some children approach a new school year with anticipation and excitement to see their friends and get back to learning, for others it’s always a challenge starting a new school year. They may not have seen theirContinue reading “Back to School in Covid Times”

Where do you come from? The question Third Culture Kids avoid, and why they do.

Where do you come from? For most people this question has a simple answer.The reason most Third Culture Kids shy away from it is that it’s so tough to answer. Imagine that you’d lived in four difference countries, made great friends and developed a love for the different foods. The schools you attended and theContinue reading “Where do you come from? The question Third Culture Kids avoid, and why they do.”

5 ways to bring out the best in each other

It’s too soon to say if there will be a baby boom or an increase in divorces during and post Covid-19. What we do know is that there has been increased pressure on couples.The most common argument themes in couples’ therapy are generally time, sex, money and neatness. During lockdown, couples have had less timeContinue reading “5 ways to bring out the best in each other”

Has lockdown increased your social anxiety?

5 steps to getting back out there with confidence. *Laura is a 21-year-old university graduate who should be on the Summer holiday of a lifetime with friends, celebrating the end of her degree before beginning her working life. Instead, she has spent the past months completing assignments and exams online. She’s been socially isolated andContinue reading “Has lockdown increased your social anxiety?”

Accept the changes! Heading out of lockdown and into Summer

Summer has arrived, and unsurprisingly, many of us don’t know what to do with it! Instead of looking forward to our usual Summer holiday activities like reconnecting with friends and family in different parts of the world, or traveling to a Summer holiday home, we’re faced with travel restrictions, quarantine, diminished finances, employment uncertainty, andContinue reading “Accept the changes! Heading out of lockdown and into Summer”

Permanent repatriation – Is it the toughest move of all?

It’s been well documented that moving back home permanently is tougher than you’d expect, but why is this? Of course, there are elements of it that are really exciting, like that feeling of ‘going home’ and reconnecting with your family and friends from before.In many ways it also seems like the usual process of preparingContinue reading “Permanent repatriation – Is it the toughest move of all?”

Combatting Covid-19 Guilt

As we all slowly venture out of our states of lockdown and re-emerge in our little social bubbles, one interesting theme of conversation keeps coming up. In these hazy and almost idyllic Summer days spent with our families many of us are secretly and somewhat guiltily feeling grateful for the unexpected gifts brought to usContinue reading “Combatting Covid-19 Guilt”

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